The following FAQs have been developed to assist Clubs.

If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page or via one of the other Resources pages, please contact the Executive Officer or Administration Officer.


How can I get a copy of our Certificate of Currency?

Follow the instructions to download your Certificate of Currency.


What happens if a side is bowled out near the end of a day's play?

Download the WASTCA's Close of Play / Change of Innings fact sheet.

How do I work out if a player is eligible for finals?

Refer to Section 3.8 of the By-Law’s found HERE. If you have any questions or queries, please contact WASTCA as fielding a player who in ineligible for finals will result in an forfeit.


How do I process a clearance for a new player at our Club?

WASTCA have an agreement with CricketWest not to process any Clearances between 1 April and 31 August. Any clearance lodged before that date cannot rely on the time limit to request a forced clearance from the Association but must be lodged again.

From 1 September clubs have 7 days to approve or reject a clearance, after this time has lapsed the Board can push or force a clearance through via MyCricket.

Junior players making the transition from juniors to seniors don't technically require a clearance so can be forced by the association however, we always try to give the original club the chance to reply.

Interstate players also do not technically require a clearance however, it is required to be done in MyCricket if the player already exists, again we always try to give the existing club the chance to approve/reject this as they may still owe funds to their old club.


Our One Day Game or T20 fixture has been affected by rain, how do I use Duckworth Lewis?

Download the WASTCA's Duckworth-Lewis fact sheet


Can we bring our own alcohol to bring after the match?

Teams can bring their own alcohol to drink after matches, provided the Home Club does not have a liquor license at that ground.

View which grounds are Licensed Grounds and therefore BYO is NOT permitted.


Are runners permitted in WASTCA cricket matches?

 YES. Our by-laws and the Laws of Cricket do not state it is illegal to have a runner.

This is an ICC playing condition/rule so is one of those things that people see on TV so assume it applies everywhere.


I've never scored a game of cricket before, how do I score a game?

WASTCA matches can be scored by using the traditional scorebook method or via the MyCricket Scorer App.

View the WASTCA's Quick Scoring Guide

View MyCricket Support Guide for Scorers


We only have one WASTCA-supplied umpired, what do I need to do as a Square Leg Umpire?

Players officiating as square-leg umpires are reminded that they are not batting coaches. Communication should only be with the official umpire. Distinctive clothing must be worn as prescribed in the current by-laws.

Duties include:
- Making decisions such as: Run-out at striker’s end • Stumped • Hit wicket
- Counting - Count the balls of each over and signal to the official umpire when two deliveries remain to be bowled.
- No ball - when there are more than two fieldsmen behind square leg on the on-side, the wicket-keeper takes the ball in front of the stumps (unless the ball has touched the bat or batsman).
- Assist the official umpire, when requested, by indicating the height of the full pitched or short delivery when it passed or would have passed the striker.
- Appeals for Caught - If the official umpire requests indicate whether or not the catch carried to the fieldsman or the batsmen had crossed in running before the ball was caught.
- Overthrows to the boundary - assist the official umpire, when requested, by indicating whether or not the batsmen had crossed in running before the fieldsman threw the ball.
- Short runs - call and signal any short runs at your end.

How do I mark the wide marks for one day and T20 matches and what constitutes a wide?
