Abandonment of all Community Cricket for 2019/20 - COVID-19

PANDEMIC (Australian concise Oxford dictionary definition)

“Disease - prevalent over the whole of a country or over the world”

Good morning all,

As a passionate ex-player and current administrator of the game I truly love, admire and respect, we as a community see ourselves in uncharted waters with the current virus effecting not just out community but the nation as a while and the rest of the world.

Decision are made in collaboration with all stakeholders and with the utmost care and diligence based on a range of information, data, medical expertise and risk management.

As we are slowly beginning to understand, the transmission and effect of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 can have catastrophic effects, in particular on the elderly and to those who have weak immune systems.

We as Australians consider our way of life and our medical system as good as any in the world. When we as individuals needs it’s assistance from time to time for ourselves or for a family member, it is always there and available to us without too much hesitation or delay.

Current data circulated across a number of news providers and social media platforms throughout the world today indicate a delay in the intervention of isolation and containment of the COVID-19 can potentially have a catastrophic effect for those who are potentially most vulnerable in our community.

We as a cricket community have many people who are vulnerable to COVID-19 around us. They are known to us and involved in some capacity as a player, umpire, administrator, spectator or club volunteer. To place any of our cricketing community, male or female, at the risk of contracting or transmitting the COVID-19 virus would be negligent on behalf of myself and my fellow board members at WASTCA and CricketWest if we were not to enforce the recommendations and advice to abandon the rest of our respective cricket competitions for 2019/20.

I trust you will understand the circumstances and respect the directive taken and the incredibly hard situation which we have found ourselves in.

Brad Peace - CricketWest and WASTCA Chairman